Thursday, November 21, 2013

Convert Files into any Format with Right Click using Cometdocs for Desktop

There are lots of file formats being used today, and every format has its own advantage. While we use PDF files where we wish to protect the data, we use images to capture some info. So what if you need to convert the same file you are using into some other format, you may go to the free online web services and get them converted or may be download and install a tool just for this purpose.
Meet a new tool called as Cometdocs for Desktop, and what this have in different from others is that it incorporates the converter right into the file context menu. This means, if you come across any file that needs to be converted into some other format, look nowhere, just right click on it and select the output format. The converted file will be presented to you in some time.
Cometdocs is an online file conversion site which has launched this desktop tool for Windows. While uploading large documents to convert them online can slow down your browser (thereby preventing you from working) or converting the document in the system can slow down your machine, this converter works in a different way. It still uses its old way of converting which is to upload the file from the client directly (without you doing it) and then downloading back to the machine and the same folder automatically.
Although this will use your data plan but will save the machine from getting slowed down. To be able to use this tool, you need to login into the cometdocs account which you can register for free anytime (simple email address and password is all it need).
You can convert the file into any format from the list present in the right click context menu and the conversion status can be seen in a separate window. If you think it is a really useful tool, then you can get it for free from the link below.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Scan End User License Agreements while Installing Software with EULAlyzer

Whenever you install a new software you come across the End User License Agreementalso known as End User License Agreementin short which lets you know what the software aims at and thus needs your acceptance for it. While most of the times, the EULA is genuine and doesn’t contain any bad intent but there may be some developers who wish to do something else. Therefore it is very important to go through the entire agreement before accepting it but almost everyone out there doesn’t do it.
In fact, I haven’t seen anyone till date who has gone through even a single agreement before accepting it, may be because these are generally too long or boring to read. Therefore, for all of the people who have this habit of not reading the EULA, here is a tool that can do it for you.
This tool is called as EULAlyzer and is actually an EULA Analyzer for Windows that scans the EULA for you and aims at finding out some of the interesting points in the agreement. Here are the areas that this tool aims to scan for you:
• Advertising
• Tracking
• Data Collection
• Privacy-Related Concerns
• Installation of Third-Party / Additional Software
• Inclusion of External Agreements By Reference
• Potentially Suspicious Clauses
• and much more…
How EULAlyzer works
You need to install this tool (you might want to go through its EULA too lol), and run it whenever you want to scan a new agreement. On the main screen you, then, need to click the Scan button to start a new EULA scan and then paste the entire agreement there.
You will then need to press the Analyze button, clicking on which it will scan the agreement and will present to you the results as a rating.
EULAlyzer can only suggest you if the software being installed is clean or not, based on the scan results, but its on you to abide the suggestion or not. The tool also stores the agreements as a database so that you can refer to it back at a later point of time.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Cover app for Android lets you Access right Apps at the Right Time

Whenever your phone screen is locked then you can’t use the apps before unlocking it. So in case you need to access any app instantly, you will have to go through the big process of unlocking the phone, finding the app and then starting it. However with the firmware 4.2 onAndroid, you have the option of placing the most used apps right on the lock screen so that you can run the apps without having to unlock the screen first.
Well there are many lockscreen replacement apps available for Android but today we are reviewing one such app called as Cover which is better than the rest. What Cover does is, it places the right apps on the lockscreen at the right time by learning your location and time so that you don’t have to unlock the screen to use that app. This way, you will have more options of the apps on your lock screen.
How does Cover work:
After installing the app Cover, you just need to set your home and work address and the rest it will take care. So say, you just woke up in the morning, what are the apps that you would need, likely news and songs etc. This is what it will do, place these kind of apps on the lock screen.
Now suppose you are in the car heading for your work, what are the apps you are likely to use, probably, maps, yelp and weather etc. Thus it will replace the earlier apps on the lock screen with these kind of apps.
Now suppose you are at work, you would probably use apps like Notes, Docs and Emails etc. Thus it will again replace the apps for you. If you are thinking, how does it know your location? Then may be you are forgetting that your smartphone now comes with lot many sensors like accelerometer, gyrometer and of course the GPS.
So if the app sounds fantastic to you, then you should head on to the app website and get the invite as it is right now available only on the invitation. However it is planned to be launched in the Android store soon.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Loop Complete or Specific part of YouTube Videos with Looper for YouTube

There are times when we all have played youtube videos on repeat for many times, whether those are song videos or something really funny. I mostly play the songs when I doing something on Youtube and like to put it on repeat but if you are not using any extension then you know we have to do this thing manually since Youtube doesn’t provide any button to auto repeat the videos.
Well there are many ways to do that, couple of which we have mentioned in the past too. But the reason why I am mentioning about one more way today is that not all extensions provide a way to repeat only a specific part of a video. Say if you just like to replay or loop only certain interval of a youtube video, there is no way to do so.
With the help of this Google Chrome extension called as Looper for Youtube, you get this additional feature. So now using this extension, you can either replay the entire video automatically, or even a small portion of the video set by you. Moreover you can also set the number of times the video should be repeated. Let’s see how this can be done.
After you have installed this extension in your browser, you will notice a button in the left part of the youtube video description called as Loop. Clicking on this button will automatically put the entire video on loop and will open more options about the video like Loop for specific time period and/or loop for how many times (all this can be seen in the screenshot above).
So why repeat the videos manually each time, just use this extension and have the entire or some part of the video replayed for any number of times automatically.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Browse Internet together with your Friends using

There are situations when you want to browse internet and websites together with your friends or family for instance, consider a situation when you want to book a trip ticket but want your friend’s view too who is sitting in some other country, or even a situation when you want to navigate through a website and show to your family member who don’t know how to do. In all these situations, you need an internet sharing tool using which you all can browse the internet together whatever be your location.
Here is a free web service called as which lets you work together on the internet and that too without installing anything on your computer. This service is free to use and can be used by anyone.
Here is how works:
• To start internet sharing, just visit this service and enter the URL to browse in this website.
• After you are done, click the button Start a new Session.
• A new session will be initiated and you will be provided a session number which you need to provide to your friend so that he can also join you.
• Your friend needs to visit and enter the session number there and click the Join button to join you for the online internet sharing.
• Now you both can start working on the same internet session and whenever anyone of you click a link, or make any changes, you will be notified with a pop up informing the action.
• You can also make use of the online sticky notes or chat box to chat and inform other of anything that you need to highlight on the page.
Although there are more services like this available today, but why I like is for the reason that it doesn’t need any installations and is pretty simple to use. Just visit the webpage and you are good to start.

Protect your Kids from Online Adult and Inappropriate Content using eSafely

Internet is full of information; it can be useful or can be inappropriate. Whether we are working on internet or just using it for some entertainment purposes like watching youtube or social sites, we come across large number of anonymous users too who can be rude to anyone. I have seen much online content where people are debating and using inappropriate words to address each other.
Well it is not only us who are using the computer and the internet; our kids also need to use it for their study purpose. We definitely want our kids to stay away from these, don’t we? While we can’t always be with them to monitor their online activities, there are tools that can do so.
There are many tools for this purpose of online filtering but we are reviewing one easy and simple to use tool called as eSafely. eSafely is the only parental control tool designed to work seamlessly with your web browser to provide complete online protection for you and your family. This is available for free download and as browser extensions in majorly used web browsers namely Chrome, IE, Firefox and Safari.
Here is how it works:
eSafely protects your child from displaying any of the adult content, images, terms or conversations online from the following major websites: Facebook, Wikipedia, YouTube and Search. So in short what this does is, it block all the inappropriate images (images which are not kid safe) from appearing on the web page whenever your child is online.
eSafely on Facebook: Protects kids against bullying in chat and automatically removes harmful images to avoid accidental exposure. Moreover it doesn’t transfer any of the outrageous comment while chatting to the other side, rather display a message “Please be polite”.
eSafely on YouTube: Forces Safe Mode and disables option to view 18+ rated content on YouTube. It blocks all the adult videos and the option to view them. Moreover it also blocks any inappropriate comment to be posted.
eSafely on Wikipedia: Provides kid-friendly access to Wikipedia, with harmful images automatically removed.
eSafely on Searches: Delivers clean search results for searches performed on most major search portals. Moreover it disables Google search and other engines, to display the results from Clearch (Clean Search) which only displays kids’ safe results.
What’s more good about eSafely is that, you don’t need to set anything up, as just enabling the extension will enable all the protection by itself. Just make sure that your kid don’t disable it while working on :D

Google’s Keep note-taking app is getting a new feature courtesy of Android 14 that’s a huge time-saver, even if Samsung got there first

  There’s a certain balance that needs to be achieved with lock screen functionality. You can’t give away too much because of, well, securit...