Wednesday, October 22, 2014

How to Cover Your Tracks When Snooping on Someone's Phone or Computer

How to Cover Your Tracks When Snooping on Someone's Phone or Computer
If you're going to snoop on someone's personal, digital property, you want to make sure you don't leave behind any sort of trail. Here's some tips on how you can get in and out without leaving behind any damning evidence.
This post is part of our Evil Week series at Lifehacker, where we look at the dark side of getting things done. Knowing evil means knowing how to beat it, so you can use your sinister powers for good. Want more? Check out our evil week tag page.
We've all been there at some point. Something is making you feel insecure and your curiosity is running wild in your mind. Maybe your significant other has been acting strange lately, or maybe you want to see what kinds of things your kids are getting into, or maybe you just want to see if someone really did say something bad about you behind your back. Whatever the reason, it's not a decision to be taken lightly, but sometimes you just need to find out. 

Before You Start Snooping

How to Cover Your Tracks When Snooping on Someone's Phone or Computer
There are some things you should be certain of before you even try to snoop. A little recon work is more important than you might think, and the fact is the bigger your tracks the bigger your covers need to be. To make your tracks a little smaller, have these two things down:
  • Know what you're looking for: Perhaps the person you're snooping on has been acting fishy, or maybe your child has left a trail. Whatever it is that has led you to snooping, make that your primary target. You may not have very much time, so you need to know what you might be looking for and have some idea to where it might be on your target's machine. If you're just snooping to snoop, pick something to focus on.
  • Pick the right time: Do you have time to look for whatever it is you're after? Are they present in the building? Do you honestly think you could get in and out without messing up? Ask yourself questions like that before you make a poor attempt and get yourself busted.
  • Should I be snooping at all? Deciding to snoop on someone's personal property and information is a big decision. Consider the consequences of snooping and really think about what it is that makes you want to snoop. Maybe you're just being paranoid, or maybe you're overreacting. More often than not, your best bet is just confronting the person instead. Snooping should be a last resort.
Because you're snooping on a connected device, be cautious of automatic logins. Tony Bradley at About Technology suggests unplugging the network cable or disabling wireless adapter before you dive in:
Many programs, such as e-mail and instant messaging, are configured to automatically start when the account logs in. If the computer is connected to the Internet while you are investigating it, new e-mail messages could be downloaded or messages the user had saved in their outbox, but had not yet sent, may be inadvertently sent out. The instant messaging program may start, alerting all of their friends and contacts that they are online.
The last thing you need is someone else blowing your cover out of curiosity. For a phone, set it to airplane mode so nothing can be sent out or received. Of course, if what you wanted to snoop on is online, prepare to close out multiple services as fast as you can. Remember, before you dive in, know what you're after, know that you have enough time, and keep from getting busted by a third party. Being prepared with a plan of attack makes covering your tracks a whole lot easier.

After You're Done Snooping

How to Cover Your Tracks When Snooping on Someone's Phone or Computer
Now that you've made some tracks, it's time to drag the branch behind you and disappear into the night. If you have the time, use it to go over everything you did and undo it:
  • If you're snooping on a computer, know what programs were open—if any—and reopen them when you've completed your mission. If you're snooping on a phone, check to see what apps are running when you start. If you open any new apps, remember to close them.
  • If you've been snooping in a browser of any kind, you need to clear the history. But don't clear all history! That could look just as suspicious, so make sure you go through carefully and remove any history that was only yours.
  • If you've been snooping through email, keep track of what you've opened and remember to mark each email as unread before you back out. If their email is synced on multiple devices, this can be tricky and hard to hide, so proceed with caution.
  • Return the device to the screen you first saw when you accessed the device. It's easy to forget, but you don't want them unlocking their phone to a screen they weren't on before.
When you've handled all the digital tracks don't forget about the physical ones. Return things to how they were. Hopefully you have a decent memory, because you should have taken a mental picture of how things were right when you started. How was the mouse resting? Where was the phone sitting, and in what orientation? It's important you remember as much as you can. Chances are they'd notice their phone laying differently before they'd notice that their Facebook app is open, so make it a priority. Snooping on someone's devices can be a risky situation, so plan your attack and be meticulous with details when undoing everything you've done.
And lastly, if you think you might be the one getting snooped on—watch for someone messing up these steps. And for goodness sake, put a passcode on your phone!

Monday, September 29, 2014

MoboRobo is a Powerful Desktop Manager for Android and iOS Devices

MoboRobo is a Powerful Desktop Manager for Android and iOS DevicesEXPAND
Windows: Unlike iTunes for iOS devices, there is no official desktop client to manage Android phones and tablets. MoboRobo is as good as any you can hope for, and it works with iPhones and iPads too.
Connecting your Android or iOS device to MoboRobo for the first time is a drawn-out, but simple process. The first connection needs to be via USB, but thereafter, Android devices can connect through a Wi-Fi network using the MoboRobo Daemon app. You can also do that withweb-based app AirDroid, without installing software; but MoboRobo has more powerful features, as you will see. There is no wireless connectivity for iOS.
Once your device is connected, MoboRobo has a large number of things you can do. It acts as a backup and restore client for contacts, messages, phone logs, gallery, files, apps, and even app data. We didn't test it extensively, but it restored game saves for a few titles.
On both Android and iOS, you can also import, export and edit phone data (contacts, messages), manage files on your device (including copying music from iPhone to hard drive), and add or delete multimedia. Of course, the iOS part is restricted to what Apple allows. Android users can also manage and install apps, including APKs stored on your hard drive. Both iOS and Android devices can be connected at the same time, but direct transfers don't work.
MoboRobo also does emulates some of Pushbullet's best features. It can send and receive files via a shared clipboard, and add text typed on your PC to that clipboard. Android users can alsodirectly reply to text messages from the PC.

Look Better in Photos Based on Your Body Type

How to Look Better in Photos Based on Your Body TypeEXPAND
Most of us don't like to see ourselves in photographs because we don't like to see our imperfections. Here are a few tricks anyone can implement to look better when the shutter clicks.
There's no need to be ashamed of your body and posing for photos doesn't have to be painful. We've talked about how to look your best in photos but there are certain things you can do better depending on your body's shape or your features.

Look Slimmer by Changing Your Angle

They say the camera adds 10 pounds. But how you angle your body can change how you look. If you stand or sit straight-on, the camera sees more of your body. Instead, angle your body 45 degrees away from the camera, push your weight on to your back foot, tuck your "away arm" behind your back, and remember the golden rule: If it bends, bend it.

Renowned photographer Peter Hurley, who used to be a model himself, says looking good in headshots is all about the jaw. He shared his favorite technique to make your jawline appear better: Stick your chin out and tilt your head forward. His video demonstrates how to use this in different scenarios:

  • Rule #1: Never pose beside a thin person. Especially if you're wearing the same dress.
  • Rule #2: Never be the closest person to the camera.
  • Rule #3: Use whatever props are on hand to hide protruding body parts. And by protruding body parts, I mean your stomach.
For more tips, the SLR Lounge points to this great hour-long video by portrait photographerSue Bryce. Bryce has several tips for different positions. One insightful example: use your hands to define your waist. Instead of placing hands at your sides, use them to cinch your waist—you don't need to squeeze it in, just make sure your thumbs are at the sides while the hand and fingers come in. Here's how the difference looks:
How to Look Better in Photos Based on Your Body Type
One final but easy tip: when you can, wear black or dark colors.

Maximize Your Presence in a Photo

How to Look Better in Photos Based on Your Body Type
If you are skinny, turn your full body to the camera so that you appear as wide as possible, says Bill Hurter, author of the Portrait Photographer's Handbook. The ideal angle is the seven-eights view:

The Seven-Eighths View occurs when the subject is looking just slightly away from the camera. In other words, you will see just a little more of one side of the face than the other when looking through the camera. You will still see both of the subject's ears in a seven-eighths view.
Hurter adds that what you wear is important. Light-colored clothing and a light-colored background is best. Avoid sleeveless shirts or blouses. "For a man, a light-colored sports coat will help fill him out; for a woman, fluffy dresses or blouses will disguise thin arms," he says.
Don't be nervous and get out of the mindset that you hate to have your picture taken—those emotions translate into the photograph. The Photojojo blog recommends that you meditate for three seconds before smiling:
Ask the photographer to count to three before taking the picture. Close your eyes and breathe in. Then, just before the shutter clicks, breathe out, open your eyes and smile. Your face will look relaxed and your smile will be real.

Trick the Camera into Making You Look Taller

How to Look Better in Photos Based on Your Body TypeEXPAND
If you're posing with someone taller than you are, don't give a frame of reference. For example, don't stand next to tall people or objects with a familiar height as reference (for example, a standard mailbox).
When you can, sit down. A viewer's brain does not look for height when the photo is of someone sitting. Similarly, cropped shorts can work in your favor, especially vertical profile photos; avoid full-length body shots. 
Full-body photos have their place too, but only if the photographer will listen to you. In that case, tell them to shoot from a lower angle—the camera lens should be at your waist or below).The Chriselle Factor advises filling the frame's height with your body, which creates an optical illusion of vertical length.
Like with any photography, how you dress plays a part in how you are seen. Hurter talks about this advice in his book, but an amateur photographer in a discussion on Stack Exchangeexplains it better:
The more of the legs that are visible, the longer they'll tend to look—just for example, the shorter of skirt she wears, the longer her legs will generally look. Regardless of whether they happen to be popular at the moment, swimsuits that are cut really high on the hip tend to have the same effect — it tends to give the illusion that most of what you'd usually think of as "hips" are really part of their legs.
Likewise, almost anything that makes her legs look thinner will also tend to make them look longer. "Skinny" jeans (for one example) can do wonders, and some styles that "flare" out at the bottom can enhance the effect even more.
Finally, in a group photo, make sure you stand at the front of the group and closer to the camera. And don't take photos when you go to a basketball game.

Fit Your Tall Height in a Photo Frame

How to Look Better in Photos Based on Your Body TypeEXPAND
Surprisingly, most of the tips for short people also hold true for tall people. When you can, sit down. Cropped photos that don't show your full body length work in your favor. For full-body photos, the lens should be at your waist and the frame is filled with your height.
In group shots, do the opposite of what short people are advised. Stand at the back of the group and farther away from the camera. Of course, if you want your height to be more pronounced, then it's best to add a frame of reference so people can tell just how tall you are.

Choose the Right Colors and Show Activity to Look Younger

How to Look Better in Photos Based on Your Body TypeEXPAND
Many of us try to hide our wrinkles and smile lines with makeup when we get older. Don't go overboard. They add character to your face and to your photos.
For portraits, stick with modest colors and a subdued background, so you stand out with your clothes being a distraction. Similarly, avoid harsh light, but make sure you have your three-point lighting down.
This isn't a steadfast rule though. Tuts+ says colors can sometimes work wonders for an image, especially those taken outdoors. The best option is to shoot in color and then ask your photographer to give you a black-and-white version to choose the best of the two.
Now, just because you're older doesn't mean you have to take stodgy, boring, static photos—you're an active individual just like anyone elseMCP Actions says you convey motion in the shot:

One of the main things that I strive for in posing my seniors is to convey movement and fluidity in the image. That doesn't mean that they need to look like they are in motion, but rather just convey that they are a living, breathing, moving person... not a static creature!
That's a photographer's perspective, but you can adopt that as the subject. Just make sure you are looking active and alert. A good way to do that is by asserting your most active hobby in the photo, whether it's baseball or baking. As Digital Camera World notes, it gives you something to do with your hands, immediately makes you seem confident (after all, it's your hobby), and brightens you up.

Apart from these tips, every photographer has one universal advice if you want to look good in photos: enjoy yourself. Lack of confidence comes across. Not wanting to be seen in a photo comes across. Once you realise that it's just a photo and enjoy having your picture taken, without the worry of how you look, you start looking better.

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