Saturday, March 16, 2013

Record Skype Video Calls for Free with Skype Recorder

For all those who like travelling or are required to travel to far away places for work or just for vacation, know how much important it is stay in touch with your near ones. When you are required to call our family to distant places which communication media you prefer? In this tech age, we can make use of the internet to communicate with each other.
There are various ways of communicating with each other some of which I use as Viber, Wtsapp and Skype etc. Skype is one of the best clients that we use daily for our communication for talk, text and other things. People like me who live far away from home use it to talk to their near ones without any extra charges.
Sometimes it becomes important for us to record the video and audio chat on Skype and especially when you are having a meeting on that. Here is a simple tool called Free Video Call Recorder for Skype that can help you with it. The tool is very simple and free to use, all you have to do is just select the recording profile, output folder and click the Record button.
Using this tool you can also record Picture in Picture video chat with both of you being in the chat. You also have the option of choosing to record only the video from other side that is of the person you are chatting with.
Features of Free Video Call Recorder for Skype:
• Record all slides (Picture in Picture) mode: To record video chat of both the guys in the conversation.
• Record other side only: To record video of only the person you are chatting with
• Record Audio only: To record only the audio of the chat with no video.
The tool is very simple to use and works great. The tool records the video in .mp4 format which are of good quality, while the audio is recorded in .mp3 format. There is one point to note here that the recording starts when the camera is enabled from the other person.
Free Video Call Recorder for Skype works great on Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8. You can download it from here.

Backup or Restore Windows 8 App Data and Settings easily

It was with my new laptop that I got the chance to use the new Windows 8 and I think I have already started liking it. I like the Windows 8 UI and the app tiles feature and even though my laptop is not a touch screen, it appealed to me more than the earlier Windows versions. One of the many things that I liked about Win 8 was the apps.
The Windows 8 apps are so easy and so useful that I like using them on a regular basis. I have also customized the apps as per my needs. If you are also using Windows 8 and have customized the apps as per your settings, then this article will help you in backing them up.
There might be time when you wish to reinstall the OS or just restore the app, but if you don’t have a backup that time, then you will surely loose your data and settings. Here is a simple tool called Windows 8 Apps Data Backup that will help you in this regard. There might be certain apps that you have downloaded and installed from the Windows Store.
Windows 8 Apps Data Backup is a simple utility that can be used to backup as well as restore the apps installed on your system and that too in just a click. When you run this app, you will be presented with two buttons Backup and Restore. When you click Backup all the apps will be listed below, which you can select manually to backup. Later you will be asked to save the backup as it is or as a zip archive to save space. This is important to close the app before backing it up else it might not back up completely.
Restoring the app data and setting is also easy, all you have to do is just run this tool, click the Restore button and select the apps from the list again to restore the data. There is one thing that you need to keep in mind at this time that the apps to be restored should be already installed in the system.
The tool works great on both 32 and 64 bit versions of Windows 8.

How to increase Office Productivity?

This is how you can increase your office work output hahaha :D
new-office-keyboardFor more funny technology updates, stay in Touch! [via]

Automatically Scan and Cleanup your Facebook Profile with SimpleWash

So many times we post or comment, whatever we like on Facebook. It might feelundesirable to your next day or may be after some time. There are things that you posted when you were in school or college but might not make sense now, or there might be photos posted on your timeline which you don’t want anyone to see now. What shall you do in that case, remove them manually?
Scanning your profile manually will take you whole lot of time and I am sure you wont be able to do that very well. Wouldn’t it be great if there is some tool or an app that can do that for you automatically? Well here is one, called as SimpleWash (earlier known asFaceWash).
So that means SimpleWash can scan your profile completely for you and by this I not only mean the stuffs that you have uploaded or commented but also many other things. This app scans the following items for you:
• Comments posted on your wall by others
• Comments on photos in which you are tagged in
• Photos that you have uploaded
• Links you have liked
• Photos you have liked
• Wall updates you have posted
• Pages you have liked
simplewash-cleaning-profile(from google images)
How does it scan?
While it is not clear of the app works but as per the developer it scans your profile for ‘dirty’ terms which includes many words like sex, drugs, curses and others. This app mostly works in English language and thus scans in it too. If you uses Facebook in some other language too, then you can add your words too for which it will scan your profile.
Thus depending upon your facebook activity, the app can take time from seconds to minutes.
If you are serious about cleaning up your profile then do give this app a try. However you will need to provide this app permission to access your profile and data. To try the app, visit the link below.

Bulk Convert Excel Sheets into xls, xlsx, pdf, csv and xps formats

We have shared many file conversion tools and online utilities for the file conversion earlier, today here is something that would interests you if you work mostly on the MS Excel spreadsheets. There are occasions when you come across old format excel sheets in .xls format. You may find it easy to convert it if there are not many of those, but am sure you would not like it if the sheets are in bulk.
Here is a simple tool called Simple MS Excel Document Converter that can easily convert the excel sheets for you into mostly used common formats like Xlsx, CSV, XPS and PDF. The program is very easy and free to use too, so it would be your first choice to convert an excel sheet.
The tool, however, requires following items to be able to convert:
• First of all, your computer should have MS Excel 2007 or later installed.
• If you have excel 2010 or later, then you can select the output format as PDF or XPS else you can only select the output format as xls, xlsx or csv.
Be aware that, converting an excel 2010 doc into reduced functionality document like excel 2007 xls format, would remove the features that are present only in the 2010 version.
Converting the sheets from one format is very easy and requires no geeky knowledge. You just need to select three options, Input file which can be either xls or xlsx, Output folder to save the converted file and the Output file format.
When you have selected all the three options in the tool, you just need to click the Start Convert button to initiate the conversion process. The files can be converted in bulk and the status would be presented in the table below. Any entry with red color will depict the error in conversion.
You can download the program from the link below and try it for you.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

EMBRACE+: Notification Bracelet for iPhone and Android

Having smartphone has its own advantages one of which is that you can be in touch with anyone using the apps from anywhere. Another great feature which I like is the notification LED on my phone that glows whenever I receive any alert like a SMS, email, facebook update, alarm or a low battery. But if your phone is on silent or say in a bag, then you will have to monitor it constantly to see if you received any alert or not.
What if I say, you wear a trendy and cool looking bracelet on your hand that displays whenever you receive any notification on your smartphone? Wouldn’t it be a great device to flaunt? Yes it is true, the device is called EMBRACE+ and is under development at present.
EMBRACE+ is a fashion accessory with true functionality! Whether you are in the middle of a workout or meeting, you’ll always be notified about important calls and messages. The EMBRACE+ braceletkeeps you connected to your smartphone and notifies you by flashing different colors for different apps and contacts. Moreover you can customize the color of the bracelet to any color you want. You can set different color to different alerts, say green to text message, blue to email, red to call from your mom etc or just a color to suit your current outfit. :D
EMBRACE+ description:
It all started with the developers sitting at a night club checking their phones again and again for the notifications. It was then when they came up with the idea. The device uses optical science and incorporates optical fiber inside but looks trendy from outside. The device is also made water proof so that you don’t have to worry even in the rainy time or at the bath.
The battery is pretty good and can lasts upto 10 days but only takes 10 mins to complete charge. To customize the bracelet you will need an app which would be made available for free in iTunes and Android Store.
I liked the concept, how about you? Leave a comment below and let me know.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Backup WordPress Automatically to any Location

With increasing insecurities day by day, no website is safe. Imagine you logging into your site to see some creepy message, that time it would be the backup that you will need the maximum and in case you forgot to backup this time, then all the progress made over the last backup will be gone.
Backup is one thing that can save any website and the webmaster’s hard work. But the problem with them can be, they may find taking the manual backup very boring and tedious. I know many people who are looking for a good automatic backup service that can automatically backup their blog to some central or local location.
If you are a WordPress user, then here is a useful plugin that will help you a lot in taking the automatic backups of your blog. What’s more you just need to schedule the backup on your website and the content will be backed up to the specified location automatically. It will then provide you with the backup logs too.
The plugin is called BackWPup, and is used globally to backup the wordpress blogs automatically to any location. You can select the target location as per you and if you wish to save the data centrally then Dropbox is not a bad option. The plugin can backup your entire wordpress directory including the wp-content directory which is where most of the data resides.
BackWPup can also optimize database, check and repair it, compress and uncompress the DB, store backup to FTP server, dropbox and can also notify you with the backup status. So if you are someone who don’t like to manually backup your installation, then this plugin is right for you. You can try it at the link below.

Google’s Keep note-taking app is getting a new feature courtesy of Android 14 that’s a huge time-saver, even if Samsung got there first

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