Thursday, June 2, 2011

Send Email from Desktop Directly with Mail Sender and Flooder

If you work lot on emails and require sending one after every short interval then logging into the web browser client is really tiresome. Wouldn’t it be great if you could send the email directly from your desktop client to the recipient without running the browser and logging again?

This could be done easily with Microsoft Outlook but configuring the Yahoo or Gmail account with Outlook is not that easy and not everyone likes to use it for sending and receiving the emails. To serve this purpose better there is a desktop client called Mail Sender and Flooder which can be used to send an email directly from your desktop to the email recipient easily without logging into the web browser account.

The tool is developed by one of our readers Anubhav, and after reviewing it I found it worthy to be shared with all. Using this tool you can send the emails with your account onYahoo or Gmail along with any attachments. The tool is easy to understand, reliable and virus free. The email can be sent to multiple recipients as well after separating them with semi colon.

So if you want a tool that can send email for you without logging into the web account, then do try this tool. The tool is password protected which can be unlocked with this password “abhicmptips”.

Download Mail Sender and Flooder
Download Mail Sender and Flooder from Softpedia


  1. This Tool Developed By Abhinav Duggal Not Anubhav.

    For More Tools

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