Saturday, July 16, 2011

Photovine: Photo sharing service from Google

Like capturing photos and pics? Then you might be using some online albums to share the pics with your friends. There are lot of free photo sharing services available like the famous Flickr, Facebook albums or even the Google Picasa. You can create an account and use the service free of use.

Google has launched its awaited photo sharing service called Photovine, which is not just another photo sharing service. Then what happened to Picasa? Well nothing is sure about Google Picasa but the news is that Google is planning to bring down the Picasa service and take on Photovine.

The website of the service shows iPhone running the Photovine app, which indicates the upcoming release of a Photovine application for iPhone, however, there should be one for the Android market too. You can click pictures from your phone and upload it right there for your friends to sit back and enjoy the moments captured by you.

Photovine is currently for some users only who register themselves on the website for an invitation to use the service. So which web service are you going to choose among the many already present?

Visit Photovine

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