Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Easily add a site-wide footer in the new Google Sites

Many websites, especially those created for business purposes, require a consistent footer across all of their pages. These footers often house crucial information, like an organization’s contact information, privacy policy, and more. With this launch, we’re making it easy to create and manage these site-wide footers in a single place in the new Google Sites.

To add a footer, simply scroll to the bottom of your page and click “Add Footer.” This same footer will then appear across all of the pages on your site. To hide the footer on a single page, click the eye icon in the bottom left corner of the text box. If you then want to create a custom footer for that page only, you can create a new section (not using the “Add Footer” functionality) at the bottom of the page.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

World's security agencies must collaborate to fight cyber threats: Doval

Security agencies across the world must forge greater collaboration to ward off cyber threats and to counter cyber criminals, including terrorists, National Security Adviser Ajit Doval said in New Delhi on Friday.
Speaking at the ministerial forum of countries participating in the fifth Global Conference on Cyber Space (GCCS), Doval said that cyber challenges of present times were unique as terror groups were using Internet at a far greater level than before.
The problem was set to get compounded manifold as Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, and robotics gained more currency in the coming years, Doval said.
“The cyberspace provides opportunities and challenges at the same time. While it provides global connectivity, it also provides connectivity to terrorists, which is worrisome,” he added.
According to Doval, an orderly management of cyberspace was very important as it was expanding very fast.
“Timely and swift response to threats posed by cyber criminals is the key,” Doval stressed.
The cyber world had changed the way we lived, he said, adding that never before had there been such a change that held such wide ramifications affecting all of us.
“The world needs a new jurisprudence to deal with the growing challenges. We need a specific regime to deal with the cyber threats,” he added.
“The private sector will have a very important role in that regime along with the State, and there is a need to evolve a consensus among various stakeholders which should also ensure due representation to all people and geographies.”
According to Union Information Technology Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad, India’s would be a voice of reason and moderation when it comes to digital equality.
“India’s will also be the voice of assertion for the digitally-deprived in a global platform. We need an egalitarian global cyberspace,” Prasad said.
“If we are to use cyberspace for inclusive growth, we cannot have islands of digital deprivation or preferential lanes on the digital highway. Access to the Internet cannot be discriminatory through preferential gateways. We believe in Internet access for all,” Prasad, who heaped praise on Doval for being a “great doer”.
The Minister said India’s story of developing an egalitarian digital ecosystem had delivered dividends.
“India’s digital drive has been based on three D’s — digital inclusion, digital access, and digital security,” Prasad said.
Earlier in the day, National Cyber Security Coordinator Gulshan Rai said that in the wake of growing threats in cyberspace, lack of an international law has become a hindrance and countries must vouch for a common law to effectively deal with hackers.

Top 10 programming languages used by developers

Coding is a skill that has been in demand for last two decades. A thorough knowledge of programming languages boosts your chances of getting hired for a particular job. IT professionals with skill like analyzation, algorithm understanding, writing a set of instructions can get started with any programming language. 
Each programming language has a learning curve of its own. If you are thinking to learn a programming language, selection process itself is the biggest hurdle. It all depends on what you want the program to accomplish. Right from coding a mobile app to developing a self-learning algorithm, everything has different requirements. Today we have listed top 10 programming languages based on the market demands and popularity. 
1. JavaScript 

With the high usage of web apps, JavaScript and JavaScript libraries have become highly popular. The language allows developers to add interactive elements to the website and web apps. JavaScript developers have great demand in the job market.
2. Python 
The framework is pretty easy to understand. The knowledge of Python can help you create scalable applications. The main reason behind Python’s popularity is its straightforward and simple syntax. Google has heavily invested in the development of this open source language.
3. Java
Java is often referred as a backbone of all modern applications. The language is used for building server-side applications as well as user-facing mobile applications. Java is highly portable and apps written in Java can run across multiple platforms.
4. Ruby
Ruby on rails aka Ruby, is a major supplier of web apps. The language is popular due to its comparatively easier learning curve. Ruby developers are in high demand these days.
5. PHP
The acronym stands for Hypertext Preprocessor, the language is popularly used for front-end development. It is used in conjunction with dynamic data-heavy website and app development. The language is used as the backbone of the popular platforms like Wordpress and Facebook.
6. C++
The general purpose object-oriented programming langue is an extension of C language. The language is sued for competitive programming. C++ is used for writing efficient and flexible features.
7. CSS
CSS describes the style of an HTML document. The language describes how HTML elements should be displayed. CSS is an acronym for ‘Cascading Style Sheet’.
8. C#
The language is primarily developed for writing apps for Microsoft technologies. The language is identical to Java. If you are good at Java, you can easily learn to programme in C#. The advance knowledge of C# opens career options in Microsoft technologies.
9. Go
The open-source programming language was developed by Google in 2009. The language is popular due to the easy maintenance of the codebase. The scalable codebase can be accessed and used by hundreds of developers at the same time. Go features many features of modern OOP languages. 
10. C
This is the predecessor language used for writing low-level applications. C is commonly used for embedded systems like firmwares that power televisions, music system, computer system kernels etc. 

Microsoft's security infrastructure to drive India on digital path: Top executive

As India gets on the path towards digitisationMicrosoft with its impeccable threat intelligence capabilities to detect vulnerabilities across devices, Internet of Things (IoT) and Cloud infrastructure is ready to help the country, a top global Microsoft executive said on Friday.
"India serves as a large talent base for Microsoft. A lot of significant components of Microsoft products are manufactured here and the tech giant is committed to the digitisation drive in the country by integrating security at every step of its product development," said Jan Neutze, Director of Cybersecurity Policy for Europe, Middle East and Africa.
Neutze was speaking at one of the sessions during the fifth edition of the Global Conference on Cyber Space (GCCS) here.
According to him, in its push to advance digitisation, India has the opportunity to avoid some of the challenges and mistakes made by others and ensure that security is built into its framework right from the start, rather than sort of bolt it on at the end,
The Cyber Surakshit Bharat initiative, for instance, for which Microsoft is a partner, seeks to build the cybersecurity capacity of the Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) across the government, by training 1,200 government CISOs.
"We think this initiative has great potential, and we will see if we can replicate it elsewhere in the world," Neutze said on the sidelines of GCCS.
Microsoft has over 3,500 internal security professionals that work on cybersecurity and Cloud security at Microsoft and invest over $1 billion on cybersecurity every year.
"We have a methodology for developing our software securely - what is called our security development lifecycle (SDL)- which is something we established as a mandatory policy in 2004 and have since continued to evolve to a point where it has become an industry-leading standard on how to actually develop software securely.
"We have also taken the learnings from SDL and applied it to how we securely develop our cloud services - a process we call Operational Security Assurance (OSA). Both SDL and OSA have become critical foundations for how we build security into our products and services right from the start," Neutze noted.
According to him, Microsoft has developed several capabilities, including its Digital Crimes Unit (DCU).
"Launched almost a decade ago, DCU opened a global Cybercrime Centre in 2013 and has since established a network of satellite centres, the latest one being our Cyber Security Engagement Centre (CSEC) here in India. These investments are helping us combating cybercrime and advancing cybersecurity in a holistic way," Neutze said.
Microsoft President Brad Smith has called for the Digital Geneva Convention.
"We are talking about three things: Governments need to do more; industry needs to do more; and potentially, together, we can do more on this question of cyber-attack attribution," Neutze added.
Microsoft India this week said its "Cybersecurity Engagement Centre" in New Delhi has reached out to 126 organisations in a year, empowering them with information and techniques to secure critical information infrastructure and help reduce malware and digital risk in the country.
The centre, set up in New Delhi a year ago, is part of a global network of eight such centres.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Google’s Files Go is now available in beta from the Play Store

Looks like some of you found our Files Go Beta :-) We thought we’d make it available for a few more of you on the Play Store. Feedback welcome!

Google’s Keep note-taking app is getting a new feature courtesy of Android 14 that’s a huge time-saver, even if Samsung got there first

  There’s a certain balance that needs to be achieved with lock screen functionality. You can’t give away too much because of, well, securit...