Saturday, November 25, 2017

Top 10 programming languages used by developers

Coding is a skill that has been in demand for last two decades. A thorough knowledge of programming languages boosts your chances of getting hired for a particular job. IT professionals with skill like analyzation, algorithm understanding, writing a set of instructions can get started with any programming language. 
Each programming language has a learning curve of its own. If you are thinking to learn a programming language, selection process itself is the biggest hurdle. It all depends on what you want the program to accomplish. Right from coding a mobile app to developing a self-learning algorithm, everything has different requirements. Today we have listed top 10 programming languages based on the market demands and popularity. 
1. JavaScript 

With the high usage of web apps, JavaScript and JavaScript libraries have become highly popular. The language allows developers to add interactive elements to the website and web apps. JavaScript developers have great demand in the job market.
2. Python 
The framework is pretty easy to understand. The knowledge of Python can help you create scalable applications. The main reason behind Python’s popularity is its straightforward and simple syntax. Google has heavily invested in the development of this open source language.
3. Java
Java is often referred as a backbone of all modern applications. The language is used for building server-side applications as well as user-facing mobile applications. Java is highly portable and apps written in Java can run across multiple platforms.
4. Ruby
Ruby on rails aka Ruby, is a major supplier of web apps. The language is popular due to its comparatively easier learning curve. Ruby developers are in high demand these days.
5. PHP
The acronym stands for Hypertext Preprocessor, the language is popularly used for front-end development. It is used in conjunction with dynamic data-heavy website and app development. The language is used as the backbone of the popular platforms like Wordpress and Facebook.
6. C++
The general purpose object-oriented programming langue is an extension of C language. The language is sued for competitive programming. C++ is used for writing efficient and flexible features.
7. CSS
CSS describes the style of an HTML document. The language describes how HTML elements should be displayed. CSS is an acronym for ‘Cascading Style Sheet’.
8. C#
The language is primarily developed for writing apps for Microsoft technologies. The language is identical to Java. If you are good at Java, you can easily learn to programme in C#. The advance knowledge of C# opens career options in Microsoft technologies.
9. Go
The open-source programming language was developed by Google in 2009. The language is popular due to the easy maintenance of the codebase. The scalable codebase can be accessed and used by hundreds of developers at the same time. Go features many features of modern OOP languages. 
10. C
This is the predecessor language used for writing low-level applications. C is commonly used for embedded systems like firmwares that power televisions, music system, computer system kernels etc. 

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