I have a ridiculous collection of backpacks, messenger bags, and everything in between. I've accumulated so many over the years—all favorites I can't bear to get rid of—that I don't even know how many I have. This didn't happen because I have a weird sort of bag fetish, but rather that no one go bag works in every situation. While I've reduced myself to three—a large backpack for when I need everything, a small messenger for basic needs, and a field bag for sports and exercise—I found that I kept forgetting what was in which bag when I had to move them around so often.
Choose Your Modules
- Storage Devices - Take all your portable external disks, whether they're hard drives or flash, and keep them together. Storage comes in wonderfully consistent, thin, rectangular shapes. Grouping it together for your bag takes little effort.
- Gadgets - The type of gadgets you use will vary. If you're not just carrying around a music player and a point and shoot camera, you might need multiple modules for activity-specific equipment like photography and audio recording. You'll have to decide what goes together and what doesn't, but remember not to split things up too much. The goal here is to reduce the number of items in your bag so you can swap them easily.
- Cables and Power - No gadget-based bag is complete without a diverse array of cables and charging equipment. Chances are a few USB chargers, or one massive multi-port brick, will handle all your needs on the go. You may also need a laptop charger, and those are notoriously difficult to store. MacBook adapters have a wonderful solution in Quirky's Power Curl, but PC laptops have options in the form of a small electronics travel case, mesh bag (with storage hook), or small packing cube (all of which we'll discuss later).
- Art Supplies - Group all your pens, pencils, charcoal, blending tools, paint brushes, watercolor set, and whatever else you might need to take with you for your on-the-go artistic needs. If your bags tend to focus on art supplies, you may want to create separate modules for each type.
- Files and Folders - Files and folders are generally the same size. You can keep them in one larger folder if you don't have too many, or you can simply strap them together with a book band.
- Books and Notebooks - Books and notebooks can also be bound together easily with just a band.
- Grab Bag - Some items just don't fit into any category but you still need to take them with you. When you can't figure out what else to do, create a "Grab Bag" module to hold onto your uncategorizable goods. Ideally these items will be small and easily managed. If not, you'll end up transporting a large mass of stuff with you most places and need very little of it. If you have a lot of miscellaneous things, consider what you can leave behind. When you need something for a special occasion, you can always toss it in the grab bag before you leave and remove it next time you remember.
Plan Your Organization Scheme
There are many ways to make a module compact and organized, but some options work better than others. Let's take a look at ways you can keep things compact and easily portable.The GRID-IT
The GRID-IT sometimes fails when items become loose and slip off. This happens if elastic bands become loose from being stretched out by a large item, then used to try and hold a smaller one, or if you just don't secure certain things very well. Cocoon does make GRID-ITs that come in cases or have protective neoprene wraps, however, so you can easily solve that problem by purchasing a protected version instead. You really only need this if you're planning on storing small, thin items (e.g. flash drives, pens/pencils).
The Mesh Bag
Hooks require something to hook onto, of course, and not every bag offers anything like that out of the box. Often times you can use internal zippers (as the loop inside the zipper pull can usually secure a hook) but you can add places to attach these bags if you make some minor modifications. The easiest method is to use a clothespin to pin the bags on instead. If you want a more permanent adjustment that works with the hook, however, that's pretty simple as well. With a small sewing kit, sew on a small piece of rectangular fabric to the inside of your bag. Sew only the left and right edge, leaving the middle part open so you can hook your storage bags onto it.
The Packing Cube
The Three-Ring Binder
The Folding Sleeve
Versatile storage is great, but sometimes you need a module that's pretty specific. While we'll discuss some options you can buy later in this section, you can save yourself some cash and get exactly what you need by making a folding sleeve.What exactly is a folding sleeve? It's a series of simple pockets attached to each that form a long rectangle, and you can fold them up to fit neatly in your bag. (In fact, it's kind of like this mail sorter we featured a couple of years ago.) Making a folding sleeve is very simple. Just follow these steps:
Take a large piece of canvas (or other thick, sturdy fabric) and measure out the length of the sleeve. (Because it folds, you can make it longer than your bag.) Now measure the height of the largest item you're going to put in it. (Generally speaking, you don't want to include anything larger than a smartphone or portable hard drive.) The height of the canvas should be twice the size of this item, plus a little extra for wiggle room. When you have your measurements, cut the fabric accordingly.
Fold the fabric in half you have one really long sleeve that's half as tall. Take the top end of one side and fold a tiny little bit over to make a ridge, then sew it in place. Do the same for the other side. (You can use staples if you don't have a sewing kit to make a crude version like the one pictured in the examples, but sewing is definitely a better option.)
Sew all the way up on both sides of the canvas, but do not close the top. Clip any excess fabric along the edges (if necessary).
- Turn your canvas inside out so that you have nice, smooth edges all over.
Measure each item you want to place in the sleeve and make marks vertically along the canvas. (Basically, map out the sleeve's compartments with a pencil.) Be sure to leave a little extra space so nothing fits too snugly or you won't be able to fold.
Sew a straight line up the sleeve in each place you marked. When you're done, you'll have several compartments for all your stuff.
The Module-Specific Organizer
Choose the Right Bags
Once you've chosen your bag types, there are a few things to consider before you start putting everything together. Are there pockets in the bags that you want to use? If you do, consider what might go in each bag that never needs to leave. This is the best use for pockets as they go against the point of your modular system. Also, if you have a lot of gadgets, you may want to consider a bag with solar charging built in (such as this one). Certain bags work better for different situations, too, as hiking and camping packs almost always have a space for a water bottle and tech bags have a padded area for your laptop. Consider your needs and choose appropriately or you'll be swapping bags often, and that's annoying and expensive. If you need some suggestions, the Wirecutter has plenty.
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