Saturday, May 13, 2017

Adding nine third-party applications to the G Suite pre-integrated SSO apps catalog

Single-Sign-On (SSO) is one of those rare features that enhances security while also increasing convenience for end users. Google supports the two most popular Enterprise SSO standards, OpenID Connect and SAML. There are over 800 applications with pre-integrated SSO support in our third party apps catalog already, and we are constantly adding more. With today’s launch, we are adding SAML integration for these nine applications: Asana, Dialpad, Evernote Business, Expensify, Keeper, Lucidchart, Pagerduty, RingCentral, and Trello.

You can find our full list of pre-integrated applications, as well as instructions for installing them, in the Help Center.

Note that apart from the pre-integrated SAML applications, G Suite also supports installing “Custom SAML Applications” which means that admins can install any third-party application that supports SAML. The advantage of a pre-integrated app is the installation is much easier. You can learn more about installing Custom SAML Applications in this Help Center article.

Differences between G Suite Marketplace and the SAML Apps Catalog

You may notice that some of the applications we are launching today to the SAML catalog - namely Asana, Dialpad, Expensify, Lucidchart, RingCentral, and Trello - are already available in the G Suite Marketplace. When installed via the Marketplace, these applications provide rich integration with G Suite products. In addition to these deep integrations, the applications typically provide a separate ‘Google SSO’ option, which is authentication via OpenID Connect protocol, for users to access their accounts on the application’s website.

The SAML catalog version, on the other hand, only provides SAML-based authentication so that your users can access their accounts in the third party app’s website using Google as a SAML IdP (Identity Provider). Some enterprises prefer the SAML approach, and in fact, we see many admins installing these as Custom SAML Apps even today. This launch is all about giving our customers more choice to integrate their applications using a method that suits them.

If you do not have a corporate requirement to use SAML, Google recommends using the G Suite Marketplace application.

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